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UNIL Masters Scholarship in Switzerland for 2022/2023

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About the University and Scholarship

On the banks of Lake Geneva, the University of Lausanne is a public university with over 14,300 students and 3,000 researchers. The university’s ancestry can be traced to a Protestant theological institution in French that was established in 1537. Over time, the school added faculties until it was transformed as a university in 1890. It relocated from the historic Lausanne to its current location in Dorigny in 1970. The site is connected to Lausanne by public transportation. Seven faculties make up UNIL, with the most recent additions in 2003 being the faculties of geosciences and environment and biology and medicine. One-third of the teaching staff and about one-fifth of the students are international.

Currently, the university of Lausanne in Switzerland offers the UNIL Master’s Grants on a competitive basis to international students who wish to pursue a Masters Degree at the University.

Scholarship Important Information at a Glance:

Host Institution : University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Who can apply: All international students

Number of scholarships: 10

Application deadline: November 1, 2022

Programmes for which it is possible to apply for a Masters’s scholarship:

All international students can apply for the following courses/programs only in the-

  • Faculty of Biology and Medicine
  • Faculty of Law, Criminal Justice, and Public Administration
  • Faculty of Geosciences and Environment
  • Faculty of Business and Economics
  • Faculty of Arts
  • Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
  • Faculty of Theology and Sciences of Religions
  • Interfaculty Programmes

If you want to know the departments under each faculty, visit this official link: Master’s Programmes

Scholarship Benefits/Duration:

The scholarship is granted for the minimum statutory period of the programme chosen by the student. It amounts to CHF 1,600 per month from 15 September to 15 July (or 10 months a year) for the complete duration of the master’s (one and a half years or two years depending on the chosen master), except for cases of definitive failure after the first year.

Students offered a scholarship will be exempt from the fixed registration fees for the courses, with the exception of the CHF 80.00 fees to be paid each semester.

In order to be eligible for this UNIL Master’s Scholarship, You must-

  • Have obtained a foreign university degree considered equivalent to a bachelor at UNIL before the beginning of the master’s programme at UNIL.
  • To have distinguished yourself during your studies, especially through particularly brilliant academic results.
  • To have a language level of at least B2 (according to the European Language Portfolio global scale) in French or English according to the language in which your chosen master is taught.
  • Have been registered with UNIL in the past.
  • Have paid the CHF 200.00 administration fee (see document, “list of documents to attach to your application”).

How to apply? (Application instructions- step by step)

You must NOT make an application for admission to the master’s degree via the Admissions Department (SII). Candidates must send their completed application with required documents, unbound, by post at the university’s address.

The deadline for applications is 1 November 2022 to begin a master’s degree during the following academic year, in the autumn semester or the spring semester if the programme allows. The postmark will attest to the date sent.

Official Website:

Official Scholarship Website:

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