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Fully-Funded PhD Scholarship at Aarhus University in Denmark-2023

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An academically diversified university with a focus on research, Aarhus University is dedicated to the advancement of society on a national and international scale. The university boasts 39,000 students, 1,800 PhD students, 8,000 employees, and an annual revenue of EUR 884 million. It also provides an inspiring research and teaching environment.

For academic year 2023-2024, Aarhus BSS Graduate School invites applications for admission to the PhD programme from the international students

Within the fields of business and social sciences, Aarhus BSS comprises a wide range of academic subjects and renowned research environments.

The Graduate School’s 7 PhD programs (Listed below) have roughly 250 students enrolled, with 60 new international students starting each year. The university provides high-level, international PhD programs that can prepare you for careers in academia, business, and government.

Available PhD positions at Aarhus University in the areas of business and social sciences:

To access the application form, click on the relevant link above.

Important dates

  • The deadline for applications is 2 February 2023.
  • The present call is aimed at students starting at the start of the semester at 1 September 2023 (or as soon as possible thereafter).

Formal requirements and eligibility criteria

You can read more about how to apply in the application guide and find the rules and regulations of the PhD education here.

The following criteria are decisive in the assessment of the candidates:

  • the applicant’s academic qualifications (assessed on the basis of the qualifying degree)
  • the quality and relevance of the project proposal
  • the applicant’s level of academic aptitude and assessed ability to complete the project within the framework of the PhD programme

You can read more about the assessment procedure and committees appointed by the dean here. Please note that for applications to the programme for Psychology and Behavioural Science, the criteria for assessment are specified here.

Applicants are very much encouraged to supply documentation as to how they rank compared to their class (both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees). This may for example be in the form of a letter from your University stating either how you rank as an individual student compared to other students the year you graduated (“ranks as no. 6 out of 111” or “ranks as among the best 8 percent”) or if that is not possible, general information from your University as to how grades were distributed in the year of your graduation will be appreciated.

Please note that Aarhus BSS Graduate School reserves the right to evaluate the applications on the basis of the documentation received before deadline, and you will not necessarily be asked for further documentation. Furthermore, Aarhus BSS Graduate School reserves the right to reject application that do not comply with the limitations as stated in the application guide (see link above).

All interested candidates are encouraged to apply irrespective of personal background.

Scholarship Benefits and Terms of enrolment

PhD students at Aarhus BSS Graduate School are always enrolled. The enrolment happens in accordance with the Ministerial PhD Order no. 1039 of August 27, 2013 and the terms stated in the Rules and Regulations for the PhD programmes at Aarhus BSS Graduate School. Both can be found here.
If you are enrolled in part A of the 4- or 5-year schemes you will receive a SU PhD Scholarship according to the rules set out in the State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme (SU).

In addition, you will be offered to undertake paid work of up to 280 hours during your part A enrolment period.

Terms of employment
If you are offered employment at Aarhus University in connection with enrolment in the 3-year scheme, the appointment is made in accordance with the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Danish Universities as well as the circular on the Collective Agreement for Academics Employed by the State (in Danish). The job content and qualification requirements are described in further detail in the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Universities.

Official Website and further information

Aarhus BSS PhD scholarship


In order to assist international students, the Scholarship Podcast provides a synopsis of the scholarship’s information based on information that is currently available from the official website. It disclaims any liability for information that is inaccurate or alternative to what was intended. Although we make every effort to maintain the information current and accurate, changes may occur at any time without prior warning.

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